In this 2-minute read, we unveil how Covid-19 has changed people’s property priorities.

Annual Average sales price for the East of England #chooseaguildagent #proudguildmember

Data released this morning by Rightmove suggests that agents in England have agreed no fewer than 40,000 sales since the market reopened little more than four weeks ago.

Fixed mortgage deals on 90% loan to value starting to return

The recent Dataloft Homemover survey has bolstered reports of growing momentum in the housing market.

Fixed rate mortgage deals on 90% loan-to-value starting to return

A two-minute bulletin of good news to lift your mood this Feelgood Friday.

As many of us are spending more time than ever in our homes, restricting time outside and social contact, it's hard not to focus on anything that isn't your own worries and concerns.

As a result of the outbreak of coronavirus, most of the UK and overseas are having to self-isolate in their homes, many with families to look after and keep entertained, in this article we look at ideas to keep the family entertained and engaged in the garden

In this article we look at the huge surge of consumer interest in housing since 13th May

Empty driveways earn homeowners more than £1,000 per year in 25 towns and cities

Discover the simple things you can do to get your property ready for sale or rent this summer. We promise you it’ll be music to your ears. A 90-second Fast Thursday read.